Nominator Form

The role of Line Managers/Sponsors is crucial to recognising and supporting aspirant Executive Directors and Chief Executives to join the talent pool. By fully understanding our internal talent and providing them with opportunities to reflect, gain personal insight and develop with a view to achieving their future role will lead to a more motivated workforce with enhanced leadership skills to enable them to deliver improved outcomes for patients. With talent being deployed into the right roles at the right time and supporting internal progression, individuals are able to bring prior experience into new roles and deliver for patients from day one. The greater the breadth, depth and diversity of the talent pool the greater the potential of system/regional mobility and oversight of aspirant individuals by profession to enable greater insight into workforce planning.

The form requires you to complete some basic information around you and the individual which you are nominating, and also provide information on the individual’s readiness and proposed development needs. The individual should be delivering excellent performance in current role alongside demonstrating inclusive behaviours and the motivation to step up and take on additional responsibilities.

Once complete, the relevant regional talent team will contact the nominated individual to complete the registration process. Nominations of individuals to the pool are open all year round and there is no limit to the number of individuals you refer, as long as they meet the aforementioned criteria.